jack rakan造句
- He has made pactios with Jack Rakan and Albeiro Imma.
- He also trains under Evangeline and Jack Rakan, which increases his combat and magical capability exponentially.
- After meeting Jack Rakan, another member of Ala Rubra, Negi decides to train in order to become stronger and specializes in Dark Magic, like Evangeline.
- Ken Akamatsu has noted, however, that Negi cancelled the contract after his match with Jack Rakan was finished; he should no longer be able to use his exceedingly rare artifact.
- He developed these abilities of Raisoku Shundou, Perpetual Lightning Form, Spell Synthesis and enemy magic absorption in ten days; Jack Rakan noting that any one would be enough to impress the most advanced professors of magic development.
- He also came up with a new spell : " Spell Synthesis : Lightning God Lance : Titan Slayer " which is a new high class lightning spell that he used to lure Jack Rakan into a trap in their gladiator match.
- It's difficult to see jack rakan in a sentence. 用jack rakan造句挺难的
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